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My First Trip Without My Husband and Baby – A Journey of Mixed Emotions

by Pyara Baby 11 Sep 2024 0 Comments

Traveling is always an adventure, but my recent trip to Istanbul was a little different – it was my first trip without my husband and daughter. As a mom of a 3-year-old, stepping away from home for four days felt like a mix of excitement and guilt, but ultimately, it turned into a journey of personal growth and realization.

The Decision to Travel Solo

The idea of traveling without my little one was both thrilling and terrifying. Istanbul had always been on my travel list, and when the opportunity arose, I knew I wanted to seize it. Still, the thought of leaving my baby behind brought waves of anxiety. As any mom knows, it's hard to imagine spending a single day without your child, let alone several. But this trip felt necessary for me – a chance to recharge and reconnect with myself.

Guilt vs. Excitement

The days leading up to the trip were filled with emotional ups and downs. On one hand, I was excited about the prospect of exploring a new city, enjoying uninterrupted meals, and having some quiet moments to myself. On the other hand, I felt immense guilt. Was I being selfish for wanting this time away? Would my daughter feel abandoned?

Thankfully, I had the full support of my husband, in-laws, and parents. They assured me that my daughter would be in safe hands, and it gave me the confidence to move forward. Knowing she was well taken care of helped ease my guilt, though I knew I would still miss her terribly.

My Daughter’s Experience

One of my biggest concerns was how my daughter would handle my absence. As it turned out, she fared much better than I had anticipated. Of course, she missed me and would ask about me throughout the day, but overall, she adapted well to the change. It was comforting to know that she was surrounded by family who loved her and were taking care of her every need.

Interestingly, this trip also gave my husband and daughter the perfect opportunity to bond. With just the two of them at home, they created their own little routine, and it was heartwarming to hear stories of their adventures together. I think this alone time strengthened their bond in ways that wouldn’t have happened if I had been there.

A New Experience for All of Us

This trip wasn't just a new experience for me but for everyone involved. My daughter learned that she could thrive without me for a few days, my husband discovered a deeper connection with her, and I realized that taking time for myself is not something to feel guilty about.

It’s easy to feel like the world will stop if we, as moms, take a step back. But the truth is, our families are resilient, and sometimes, stepping away gives everyone a chance to grow in new ways. When I returned home, the hugs from my daughter felt extra special, and I came back refreshed and with a renewed appreciation for my role as a mother.

Reflections from Istanbul

Exploring Istanbul was magical. From the bustling markets to the serene views of the Bosphorus, the city offered me moments of peace and adventure. It reminded me of the importance of self-care and the power of taking time for personal reflection.

While I missed my daughter every day, I also cherished the moments of solitude and freedom. As moms, we often put ourselves last, but this trip taught me that it’s okay to prioritize myself once in a while. And in doing so, I came back a better version of myself – more present, more patient, and more appreciative of the time I spend with my family.


Taking my first trip without my husband and daughter was a significant step for me as a mother and as an individual. It was a reminder that it’s okay to take a break, that our families can thrive in our absence, and that we return home with a fuller heart, ready to dive back into the beautiful chaos of motherhood.

If you're a mom considering a solo trip, my advice would be: don’t feel guilty. Trust that your family will be fine and that you’ll return recharged, with new experiences and memories to share.

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